betterthantrash wrote in
Jun 22, 2008 02:15
[Filter: Private | Korean]
Shanghai was a group of misfits. Now is the time to act as the Seals will likely think that they have nothing to fear.
[Filter: All Angels | English]
Don't waste this opportunity. With the loss of Shanghai, we can use it to our advantage.
patrick murphy,
ulquiorra schiffer
betterthantrash wrote in
Mar 06, 2008 19:05
[Filter: Private | Korean]
She hasn't responded. She needs to realize that this is her path. I don't want to seek other methods, but if I must.
[Filter: Nemu | English]
Why haven't you responded? Are you even bothering to check this?
nemu kurotsuchi,
ulquiorra schiffer
betterthantrash wrote in
Feb 19, 2008 15:16
[Filter: Chicago Angels]
We have our replacement.
[Filter: Kurotsuchi Nemu]
So this is your fate. As teammates, I suggest that you do your part, regardless of your 'friends.' I will not hesitate to eliminate those who hinder our success.
ulquiorra schiffer,
prima shalka